The essential oils arboretum design project
Prerequisite - Introduction to Architecture
AYOP his course may be taken at any time.
In this Advanced Architecture/botany/health course, students will be designing an arboretum while learning how the plants, trees, and shrubs, which are used for their essential oil properties, can be used for many health issues. Students will dig into specific plants, specific ailments and design challlenges that bring the two together.
Lesson requirements include:
1. An informative one page paper and a descriptive one page paper.
2. Sketches
3. A design challenge which is responded to with a model and site plan.
Students may use Sketch Up, Minecraft, any 3D program that they are comfortable using, or physical materials for their models.
Materials needed:
modeling materials of choice
sketch book
internet or library for research
Students have the option of taking this course over 18 or 36 weeks. There are nine lessons in this course. Students should block out between 8-12 hours of work per lesson. One half or one full high school credit is suggested for this course depending upon how much time is committed to each lesson.
Class Expectations for Adv Arch - 4
There are three assignments for each lesson.
1. Plans- 20% of grade
2. Model - 40% of grade
3. Paper - 20% of the grade
4. Botany Sketch - 20% of grade
This course is taken individually. Students may begin this course at their convenience.