April 11, 2015 - Along with working to make our lives more healthy, I've also been trying to make our lives more "beautiful". I used our Easter basket money to add some flowers to our deck. Even over this week, seeing the flowers has brought more beauty to our lives and healthier mindsets. Reminds me to think beauty over instant pleasures. I just thought I'd share... maybe you could use some flowers for inspiration too.
April 10: Keep the Sweat, Cut the FatTrying to fight fat with exercise alone? You may want to rethink your strategy. When you take in more calories than you expend, the excess gets stored as fat—3,500 calories in one pound. Eating just 100 extra calories a day—a bagel, a candy bar, a soda—translates to 36,500 calories of excess energy over the course of a year. Even if your body stores only half of that, the result is over five extra pounds of fat a year! You could try burning those excess calories through exercise alone. But in order to burn just one pound, you’d have to run 33.8 miles. Just for one pound! And nearly one-third of us have an extra thirty pounds of fat. To burn that much, you’d have to run 1,040 miles—the equivalent of forty marathons! Exercise is key to good health, so don’t stop sweating it out. Just make sure you are sticking to your meal planning and smaller portions, and avoiding junk food and mindless snacks at all costs!
Note from Mrs. G.:
Hi Parents of Future, Current and Former Students.
I hope that your days are going very well.
Many new things have been happening for my family. My oldest is off to college in the fall! Yeah! Another homeschooled through high school graduate! (One down, eight more to go:)! My husband was ordained a Deacon. (We are all very proud of him). And, I've been working on a few new "projects" of my own. I'm excited to share them with you;)!
This summer, I am offering FOUR SUMMER CAMPS! My nine week courses will be condensed into four two week period. Campers will receive a new lesson nine weekdays in a row! Their days will be intensely busied by their art or architecture projects! It should be a lot of fun!
Beginning Architecture 3 is now being added to my list of courses! For this course, students will be studying animals and will be designing and building (by hand, Minecraft, or Sketchup).. a ZOO! I expect that students will have a blast with this course!
I also wanted to share that for you moms and dads out there that take care of everyone but yourselves, like I was doing. I'm here to be your FREE HEALTH COACH! After 16 years of homeschooling my own children and some of yours, I decided this year that we were going to get healthy! As I've gone (and am going) through this process of changing my habits and the health habits of my family, I've learned a TON! It is so, so so easy to forget about ourselves as we nurture our young ones, but when we do.. our jobs as spouses, parents and teachers become easier and a lot more fun:)! I am VERY excited to share what I've learned with you!
My online students seem to get better and better every year! Many are taking one course right after the other. "THANK YOU!" to my students who have make it so much fun to lead and guide you! For those who have not taking a course with me yet, I look forward to working with you.
Many Smiles,
Mrs. G.
April 10: Keep the Sweat, Cut the FatTrying to fight fat with exercise alone? You may want to rethink your strategy. When you take in more calories than you expend, the excess gets stored as fat—3,500 calories in one pound. Eating just 100 extra calories a day—a bagel, a candy bar, a soda—translates to 36,500 calories of excess energy over the course of a year. Even if your body stores only half of that, the result is over five extra pounds of fat a year! You could try burning those excess calories through exercise alone. But in order to burn just one pound, you’d have to run 33.8 miles. Just for one pound! And nearly one-third of us have an extra thirty pounds of fat. To burn that much, you’d have to run 1,040 miles—the equivalent of forty marathons! Exercise is key to good health, so don’t stop sweating it out. Just make sure you are sticking to your meal planning and smaller portions, and avoiding junk food and mindless snacks at all costs!
Note from Mrs. G.:
Hi Parents of Future, Current and Former Students.
I hope that your days are going very well.
Many new things have been happening for my family. My oldest is off to college in the fall! Yeah! Another homeschooled through high school graduate! (One down, eight more to go:)! My husband was ordained a Deacon. (We are all very proud of him). And, I've been working on a few new "projects" of my own. I'm excited to share them with you;)!
This summer, I am offering FOUR SUMMER CAMPS! My nine week courses will be condensed into four two week period. Campers will receive a new lesson nine weekdays in a row! Their days will be intensely busied by their art or architecture projects! It should be a lot of fun!
Beginning Architecture 3 is now being added to my list of courses! For this course, students will be studying animals and will be designing and building (by hand, Minecraft, or Sketchup).. a ZOO! I expect that students will have a blast with this course!
I also wanted to share that for you moms and dads out there that take care of everyone but yourselves, like I was doing. I'm here to be your FREE HEALTH COACH! After 16 years of homeschooling my own children and some of yours, I decided this year that we were going to get healthy! As I've gone (and am going) through this process of changing my habits and the health habits of my family, I've learned a TON! It is so, so so easy to forget about ourselves as we nurture our young ones, but when we do.. our jobs as spouses, parents and teachers become easier and a lot more fun:)! I am VERY excited to share what I've learned with you!
My online students seem to get better and better every year! Many are taking one course right after the other. "THANK YOU!" to my students who have make it so much fun to lead and guide you! For those who have not taking a course with me yet, I look forward to working with you.
Many Smiles,
Mrs. G.