Building Brilliant Minds HomeSchool of the Arts
This sequence may be altered as per student's interests and goals. Students may also opt to take courses through Kahn Academy if they prefer computer based learning or through Liberty University Online Academy if they would like to earn an Accredited High School Diploma or Dual Credit. (Building Brilliant Minds is not an "Accredited High School", but an option for students to earn a fantastic strong and exciting education through the Arts. As is typical with homeschooling, parents are still responsible for granting their student a high school diploma although Building Brilliant Minds will provide you the necessary paperwork/records/recommendations for transcripts. Mrs. G. works with parents to help provide and coach their students through the high school experience. Students are only admitted to this program application and interviews.) Mrs. G. schedules weekly check-ins with students to provide support, coaching and guidance.
Tuition for the high school program is around $3500 year + books and supplies, but is dependent upon which courses students take.
Suggested Scope/Sequence for aggressive and dedicated students preparing for college:
9th Grade
1st Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Introduction to Architecture
Mystery of History - Volume 1
IEW - Ancient or Biblical Themed Writing
2nd Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Advanced Architecture 1
Mystery of History - Volume 2
IEW - Elegant Essay - IEW
Year Long Courses - (1 credit suggested)
Instrumental Music (or Art)
Apologia - Physical Science
Saxon Math - Algebra 1
Grammar - Fix It and Spelling - Art/Architecture Words (As part of English)
IEW - Windows to the World - Teaching with the Classics
Foreign Language
Math 1
World History - 1
English - 1
Literature - 1
Science - 1
Arts Electives - 2
Foreign Language - 1
Liberty 9th Grade Class Suggsetions:
English 9
Bible - Apologetics- (First year at LUOA)
World History I
Algebra 1
Earth Science
Spanish I
Physical Education
Building Brilliant Minds Arts Electives
Tenth Grade
1st Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Advanced Architecture 3 - Zoo Design (Biology)
IEW - Medeival Themed Writing
2nd Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Advanced Architecture 4 - Arboretum (Biology and Health)
IEW - Speech
Year Long Courses - (1 credit suggested)
Instrumental Music (or Art, or Photography 1)
Mystery of History - Volume 3
Apologia - Biology
Saxon Math - Algebra 2
Grammar - Fix It and Spelling - Health and Science Words (as part of English)
IEW - British Literature
Foreign Language
Math 1
World History 2 - 1
English - 1/2
Speech - 1/2
British Literature - 1
Science - 1
Arts Electives - 2
Foreign Language - 1
Liberty 10th Grade Class Suggsetions:
English 10
Bible -Survey of the Bible (Second year at LUOA)
World History 2
Spanish 2
Building Brilliant Minds Arts Electives
Eleventh Grade
1st Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Advanced Architecture 2 - Home Design (Economics)
IEW - U.S. History Based Writing 1
2nd Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Architecture Independent Study, Photography or Art
IEW - U.S. History Based Writing 2
IEW - Econ - Lemonade to Leadership
Year Long Courses - (1 credit suggested)
Instrumental Music (or Dance History/Choreography)
American History/Gov't - Volumes 1- 3
Apologia - Chemistry
Saxon Math - Advanced Math
Grammar - Fix It and Spelling - Government and Law (as Part of English)
IEW - American Literature
Foreign Language
Math 1
Economics 1
American History/Gov't - 1
English - 1
American Literature - 1
Science - 1
Arts Electives - 2
Foreign Language - 1
Liberty 11th Grade Class Suggsetions:
English 11
Bible -Life Applications (Third year at LUOA)
United States History
Virginia History (1/2 Credit)
Algebra 2
Spanish 3
Building Brilliant Minds Arts Electives
Twelfth Grade
1st Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Architecture Independent Study, Photography 2 or Art 2
IEW - Advanced Communications
2nd Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Architecture Independent Study, Photography 2 or Art 2
IEW - Writing Elective
Year Long Courses - (1 credit suggested)
Instrumental Music (or Dance History/Choreography)
Mystery of History - Volume 4 ( Modern World History)
Apologia - Physics
Saxon Math - Advanced Math 2 or Calculus
Grammar - Fix It and Spelling - Elective (as part of English)
IEW - World Literature
Foreign Language
Math 1
Economics 1
Modern World History - 1
English - 1
World Literature - 1
Science - 1
Arts Electives - 2
Foreign Language - 1
Liberty 12th Grade Class Suggsetions:
English 12
Bible - Elective
Economics (1/2 Credit)
Building Brilliant Minds Arts Electives
Credit Total Potentials:
Math - 4
English - 3.5
History - 3
American Gov't - 1
Science - 4
Foreign Language- 3 - 4 credits potential - Students should plan for 3 years of the same language or 2 years of 2 different languages
Literature - 4
Arts Electives - 8
Economics - .5
Speech - .5
32.5 Potential Credits
Tuition for the high school program is around $3500 year + books and supplies, but is dependent upon which courses students take.
Suggested Scope/Sequence for aggressive and dedicated students preparing for college:
9th Grade
1st Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Introduction to Architecture
Mystery of History - Volume 1
IEW - Ancient or Biblical Themed Writing
2nd Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Advanced Architecture 1
Mystery of History - Volume 2
IEW - Elegant Essay - IEW
Year Long Courses - (1 credit suggested)
Instrumental Music (or Art)
Apologia - Physical Science
Saxon Math - Algebra 1
Grammar - Fix It and Spelling - Art/Architecture Words (As part of English)
IEW - Windows to the World - Teaching with the Classics
Foreign Language
Math 1
World History - 1
English - 1
Literature - 1
Science - 1
Arts Electives - 2
Foreign Language - 1
Liberty 9th Grade Class Suggsetions:
English 9
Bible - Apologetics- (First year at LUOA)
World History I
Algebra 1
Earth Science
Spanish I
Physical Education
Building Brilliant Minds Arts Electives
Tenth Grade
1st Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Advanced Architecture 3 - Zoo Design (Biology)
IEW - Medeival Themed Writing
2nd Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Advanced Architecture 4 - Arboretum (Biology and Health)
IEW - Speech
Year Long Courses - (1 credit suggested)
Instrumental Music (or Art, or Photography 1)
Mystery of History - Volume 3
Apologia - Biology
Saxon Math - Algebra 2
Grammar - Fix It and Spelling - Health and Science Words (as part of English)
IEW - British Literature
Foreign Language
Math 1
World History 2 - 1
English - 1/2
Speech - 1/2
British Literature - 1
Science - 1
Arts Electives - 2
Foreign Language - 1
Liberty 10th Grade Class Suggsetions:
English 10
Bible -Survey of the Bible (Second year at LUOA)
World History 2
Spanish 2
Building Brilliant Minds Arts Electives
Eleventh Grade
1st Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Advanced Architecture 2 - Home Design (Economics)
IEW - U.S. History Based Writing 1
2nd Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Architecture Independent Study, Photography or Art
IEW - U.S. History Based Writing 2
IEW - Econ - Lemonade to Leadership
Year Long Courses - (1 credit suggested)
Instrumental Music (or Dance History/Choreography)
American History/Gov't - Volumes 1- 3
Apologia - Chemistry
Saxon Math - Advanced Math
Grammar - Fix It and Spelling - Government and Law (as Part of English)
IEW - American Literature
Foreign Language
Math 1
Economics 1
American History/Gov't - 1
English - 1
American Literature - 1
Science - 1
Arts Electives - 2
Foreign Language - 1
Liberty 11th Grade Class Suggsetions:
English 11
Bible -Life Applications (Third year at LUOA)
United States History
Virginia History (1/2 Credit)
Algebra 2
Spanish 3
Building Brilliant Minds Arts Electives
Twelfth Grade
1st Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Architecture Independent Study, Photography 2 or Art 2
IEW - Advanced Communications
2nd Semester (1/2 credit suggested)
Architecture Independent Study, Photography 2 or Art 2
IEW - Writing Elective
Year Long Courses - (1 credit suggested)
Instrumental Music (or Dance History/Choreography)
Mystery of History - Volume 4 ( Modern World History)
Apologia - Physics
Saxon Math - Advanced Math 2 or Calculus
Grammar - Fix It and Spelling - Elective (as part of English)
IEW - World Literature
Foreign Language
Math 1
Economics 1
Modern World History - 1
English - 1
World Literature - 1
Science - 1
Arts Electives - 2
Foreign Language - 1
Liberty 12th Grade Class Suggsetions:
English 12
Bible - Elective
Economics (1/2 Credit)
Building Brilliant Minds Arts Electives
Credit Total Potentials:
Math - 4
English - 3.5
History - 3
American Gov't - 1
Science - 4
Foreign Language- 3 - 4 credits potential - Students should plan for 3 years of the same language or 2 years of 2 different languages
Literature - 4
Arts Electives - 8
Economics - .5
Speech - .5
32.5 Potential Credits