Accountabilty with a Fabulous Music Program - for students with some musical ability with their choosen instrument.
MRs. G. has found a program that has huge potential to help homeschooled students with their musical goals, practicing and overall success. This program is used by band and orchestra teachers around the country.
How does it work? 1. Students are assigned a piece of music for their instrument. 2. They record themselves playing it through the program on their computer. 3. the computer shows them the notes that they have actually played and their timing in comparison with the actual piece. 4. The computer gives them a score for their "performance".
In Mrs. G's classroom: -I work with parents to access which level a student should use. - I assign practice pieces each week. - Students will have the week to practice with and without recording it on the computer. - - When they are ready to be accessed, they will will record themselves and turn in their "assignment" to Mrs. G., who will evaluate their work and will encourage them to repeat the lesson or move forward.
Studies have shown that if students receive direct feedback from their teachers and from the computer, they will be more motivated to practice.
Here is a link to the program. IF you choose this option for your student, I will register your student in my classroom as part of your "tuition" and will review student work weekly with written reviews, advise etc.. You may try the free trial to see if it works with your computer sustem before deciding to use my services. Students may do this program with our without MRs. G's guidance. I love this program so much, that I am happy to share it even if you would rather use it on your own. IT IS AWESOME!
Tuition for this course (with Mrs. G). is only $150 for 18 weeks (including student subscription). (A lot less than your average piano teacher:)!
FAQ: Which instruments? (PRetty much all of them, but it is not as compatible with the piano. It does a fabulous job with voice!)