simply music ... Short story:
One of my student's mothers introduced me to 'simply music'. That evening, I pursued the Simply Music's website with so much excitement that I could not gobble up the information quickly enough. After deciding that the method of play based lessons over reading based lessons is something that is right up my alley, I dove in and am now a licensed simply music piano teacher. Within a week, my three youngest, who were brand new to the piano, were each playing the first three songs with both hands!). Their excitement with their own progress was priceless. It is so exciting to share this same experience with other children and parents who never thought that they would learn to just sit down and play. (In a year, students typically learn 35-50 piano pieces from classical, to blues to accompaniment.) I am out of my skin thrilled to be part of the 'simply music' team. I will say more, but I have never seen a piano program that produces a musical repertoire with the quantity and quality that Simply Music does for it's students. It is a breakthrough in how music is taught and IT IS FUN! For me, the play based method using shapes, diagrams and patterns brings my music and dance connections with art and architecture full circle. It is just out of this world EXCITING! For more information, on how your student can be playing to their hearts content, by the end of the school year, just shoot me an email:).
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October 2021